Rules and Regulations
- General Regulations
- Listing Regulations
- Over the Counter
- Cash-Settled Futures Contract
- Provisionally Listed Companies
- Short Selling, 2002
- Proprietary Trading
- Margin Trading, 2004
- Karachi Automated Trading System (KATS)
- Regulations Governing System Audit [Regulatory Compliance] of the Brokers of the KSE
- Regulations Governing Index Option Contracts
- Risk Management
- Regulations for Branch Offices
- Regulations Governing Stock Index Futures Contract (SIFC)
- Deliverable Futures Contract
- Members' Default Management Regulations
- Bond Automated Trading System (BATS) Regulations
- Investors Protection Fund Regulations
- Regulations Governing Market Makers
- Regulations Governing Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
- Internet Trading Regulations of KSE